May 27, 2010

..yeah !! finally..

   finally got new face to my happieee!!! =) ...very nice is it??... ^^

   lol....after quite sometime of trying,searching..i finally got the layout tat i want..

May 26, 2010

..pity that girl..

  i got this 1 frens tat used other gurl just to get other gurl..stupid rite?? ...doesn't he realise wat he did was so wrong n stupid at d same time..doesn't he knows tat d onli reason tat gurl (fake gf) did it just b'cos she believe she had a chance wit him..poor that gurl... *my status in fb...hehe ^^

  hate it when i think about it, and the fact tat he just ignored that gurl when he got the gurl tat he pissed me off!!  ...i really want to ask him (actually mad at him) could he done such things..but i'm so scared, scared tat he might not befriend with me anymore T_T ...n i miss talking to him nowadays....huhu (xposure brani...kahkah XD)

 n btw there is this 1 things that pissed me off..the fact that i dunno what is really happening!!...huh!! ...he totally ignored me nowadays..which i'm fine though not that i don't have other friends rite??...really hoping that someday got to know what is really happening..(yeah that is going to happen..T_T)

 hope tat gurl is fine nows..she seems to have a lot of 'peminat' which i'm sure is 100 million better than that guy.. hope she'll be in love n not to be hurt anymore..pity her..

 *that's all from now..kinda bored tell u guys this story coz i can't really tell out d details..huh!! >_<"'

May 25, 2010

..hurmm.. aku nak post ek...

  xde benda ku nak post actually...ku mok cita psl apa ek..ermm..sjk kebelakangan nie,aku slalu jer naik angin..dlm erti kata len [marah] ...ermmm..sapa yg wat ku mrh..kite rahsia kan k... i'm not that evil to post that person name here n let everyone know..hmmmp! i wish i can though.. =="'

  ape yg wat ku mrh...die sakitkan ati ku... aku x ingat arr pnah x aku story kat korang yg aku nie camne time marah2 nih... ok let's me tell u bout me [part marah2 jer..jgn isau x lame..hikhik^^]

  aku..time owg kaco2 nak cr pasal,aku x bape nak lyn mula2..bagiku cukup kalau ku ignore kan saje..[owg mcm tu yg slalu wat owg marah xyah dlayan nanti makin meroyan >_<""]  ...tapi yg wat ku x tahan bila owg makin kaco n pastu sakitkan ati..haaa!! yg tu aku xleh tahan sory k !!
lagi satu..aku benci n mudah naik angin dgn sendirinya bila owg tu xreti bhs or kuat merimaskan aku..aku x ske owg mcm tu... skali ku dah padah cukup la...xyah nak ku xplen berkali2..huh!! aku xske!!  ..dah la pastu x tau nak pujuk balik..haiz..makin la ku marah..apa ko ingat amarah ni boleh ilang ngan sendirinya ka?? ..owg len mungkin p aku x!
x leh ke ko luangkan masa ambik ati ku balik..sejuk kan balik benda yg ko da panaskan...yalah aku tau ku sapa..  korang yg baca nie genti pikir.."mak ai ngegeh nyer budak nih,nak dipujuk g".....haha!! ngeeee~

 lg satu aku kalau dah marah kat seseorg..susah aku nak trima n maafkan die balik...ingat ku time sekolah rendah [ perangai dibawa dr kecik g..haha ] yer..time tu skolah rendah, darjah 6..aku bergaduh ngan best friend ku...tau bapa lama kami x bertegur sapa...3 tahun lebih..hurmm..bukan nyer owg len tu bestfriend ku sndr pun sampai 3 tahun..korang bayang kan lah kalau owg tu owg biasa kawan mcm tu jer..mmg aku xkan layan arr seumur hidup..ngeee~ kisah ku an bestie tu..jgn risau we're back together as bestfriend..aku mmg sayang sangat kat die..!!! ..BFF.. 
 haa!!..back to were we started..psl owg yg tgh sakit kan ati ku skrg..aku msh x bri respon kat die..msj die aku x layan..i don't care if u want to be mad or completely ignore me afterwards..u hurts me already.. n that's enough for me to hate u [ maybe for a while la..hehe,i'm not that mean ok.. ]

 yah..that's all i got to say this time..later we'll meet again..geez i hope by that time i'm over with this things..hurts me a lot ='(
 *..hate it when i don't have anythings to post on my blog n end up completely ridiculous or melalut bak kate owg melayu..heeee XD ..

May 23, 2010 feeling towards u..

..u always heard..

i miss u   ...from me
i need u   ...from me
i want u   ...from me
i love u   ...from me


..i never heard..
me too   ...from u

*this taken from a page tat i create on fb..
huhu..if sum1 tat is very analitical read this..he/she might know which page it is..
yaii .. >_<"'

May 13, 2010


  i always have doubt about myself..
  about what to say...
  what to do..
  what to react..
  what to think..
  what to feel..
  what to ask..
  what to answer..
  when those kind of things arrive..
  all those words to say..
  all those act to do..
  all those thought that came..
  all those feeling that i hide..
  all those question i'm dying to ask..
  all those answer that i need to hear..
  i don't know..
  i don't know..
  those doubt came..
  and as for result..
  i'm hurting myself ..
  what i did was merely taking care of others
  people feeling..
  and my feeling itself..
  i don't want to get hurt..
  because it hurt a lots..
  and when i'm hurt..
  i doubt that i can rise again..
  so pliss..
  don't hurt me..


May 12, 2010

hapie mode =)

   yeeaa....he didn't ignore me!!!....i'm    glad  =)

      u make me hapie..
      whether u noe it or not..
      we should be hapie..
      tat's what i said from d start..
      i am soo hapie..
      knowing u r d one..
      tat i want for d rest of my day..
      i love tat song soo much!!
      n i love him soo much!!
hope he noe tat..he did~~ =(but ignore my feeling toward him..but nevermind =)...still like/love him!!...hikhik ^^...

May 10, 2010

lama suda...hehe ^^

....hehe...ku mulakan blog ngan ketawa tersenggeh2 *tul  ke spell nih??
     uik lama bnar da ku c msk blogspot towk,mls da juak dtg...mok tell a story bkn nyer senang,mok amik ati owg g ngan cr penulisan,ku towk pun bkn nyer xpert part karang2 towk..huuhuu >_<""
     dolok bkn main g mok b'blogi,mok curahkan asa ati la tek...p???...hehehe *tersenggeh2 g ...ntah la asa mcm cda ja bnda ku mok story,idup ku towk bkn nyer hype sngat pown...dlm erti kata len..ku syok sndr...hehe,bkn syok sndr nok slalu kta padah ya p syok sndr bg mksd aku ialah..ku c kisah ar ngan khidupan ku o owg len..ish!!da juak ku kisah ngan idup ku especially yg da kaitan ngan future ku..huhu,ckp part future2 tok takoot weyy!! takoot sngt >_<""
      stat balit..mksd ku tek aku c kisah sngt ngan flow of my everyday life...i'll just go wit d flow..^^ ku slalu b'angan2 o owg puth pdh pipedream *heran aku knak d pdh pipedream cda kena mgena ja pipe ngan mimpi...hikhik ...angan2 ku ya cda la kedak mat jenin ya...ada la juak p c slalu k...stress mun klalu byk pkr...
      sigi g ku mok pdh...ermmm pa tek ah?? c ingat da ku..huhu..klak ku pkr lok...owhhhh ya...^^
      kblkgn towk slalu ja jeles tanga owg..ish!!.. >_<""...menchik ku mun pkr..p jeles ku ya cda nok blh melarat2 k..ku jeles sbb...c mok eh pdh ctowk..hehe
ku arap bebena life ku pat jd kdk downg punya life..n bila bende cam 2 blaku..i owez blame myself..i hate it when tat happen ><"
      still.. like i everyday life is normal + simple..*ishh..mlalut la plak,kowang phm c pa ku pdh ctowk,soie mun ktk asa sia2 ja bc blog tok.. =( ...p ku ikhlas la tulis semua tok k...^^ ya jak lah ku mok pdah,klak mun ajin ku dtg ctowk blit...hehe..mun hehe ya kuar tau eh ktakowg pa ku polah ya..haha tersenggeh2... XD..

  *arap len kali ajin2 ku dtg ctowk,sian...da byk da ku tanga spider web lam towk.. =)

May 4, 2010

not in da mood...

   huh!! yesterday got interview for nursing,1st there's was exam...quite easy...hehe yes o no question (mmg easy pown..) then the interview...fuh~~those peoples is scary,i have my confident to face them n answer each question they ask,but then my confident overpower me n i talk nonsense n rubbish things...hahahaha
   i really hope i got chosen,but then again dunno if i'm goin there if accepted...right now hoping that i will be shortlisted...hoho,they ask me current event n i dun do any homework regarding that topic...huhu hentam sajalah....haha XD
   then i went to pasar wit my 2 frens...balik sampai kul 6:30,dtg umah je ari dah malam...penat kaki sangat penat!!
   then i heard about that dreadful news (to me it was dreadful k..) first decided to just went sleep without even eating my tired that day~but there's mesej from my lil sis..owh~~~ i'm in shock+sad =(
    from then,start my crying mode:='(
    it was seriously silly of me to cry..but i can't help it,no...seriously i CAN'T..those tears just was 10:15 pm at that moment,still early though..dunno when i feel asleep but i'm sure i cried to sleep.. ='(
    at 2:00 am,suddenly wake up n i instantly thought bout him...tat hurt =( ...then i cry was not heavy as b4 (crying part) but tears did stream down my cheek..again i thought it was a fool of me to cry~~ trying to sleep but can't so i went outside to drink some nice cold help me a bit...feelin more refresh i went back to my room...but couldn't fall asleep that what did i do?? thinking bout him~~ dunno when did i fall asleep but the next day i woke up late..8:35 am,nid to go to work at 9:30....aiyo,suddenly wake up n went ASAP to the bath room...huhu...(mandi pown x bersih sngt...haha)
    thank god...manage go to work at 9:15 am...hehe
    rite now wokin n still feelin tired...
    hmmmm...things ok for me now...dun want to think bout him although those thought did came across my mind,trying my best to let it go away..
    n to my best fren,sory ignore ur msg last nite,but u know me rite~~i would willingly share ur pain,but my pain...let me myself hv it~~tnx anyway~~

    * i shed tears to show that the pain is not illusive...

May 1, 2010

...sad story 2 me..

       yesterday one of my close friend lost his love sad~~ because i exactly know he  feel,what had happened to him,make me think back what happened to me before...
      didn't see what he saw
      but i surely feel what he felt
      he understand that quite sound
      so did i
      he knows what lies ahead
      so did i
      he's expecting those lonely moment
      so had i
      we both have been there

      missing those moment
      and there's only memories left
      that stay behind..

April 20, 2010

refresh start ^^

       it's been few days since i stop i'm back with much more refresh start..if before all i can feel n think of is love n i feel more confident n became more aware of myself....but today got no story to tell...coz i'm trying my best right now to enjoy the moment without really think what to put up in my blog  * i'm turning bloging to my diary..hehe
      tat day one of my newly found friend had a problem n he even considering suicidal...which i think is a sad n stupid moves to make..still there's nothing much that i can do other than trying to give him advice...coz i don't really know him that well,thanks god he got great friends beside him that console him n be with him throughout the painful moment of his life...he's fine now...i thinks b'coz we're young n there's a lot of raging hormone in our body,we tend to do things without careful consideration...but anyway..things end nicely^^ thank God!!

that's for now...

*next time i want to be more peotic n be more melodramatic... >_<"" trying her best

April 16, 2010

me 2day =(

my heart broke last night knowing that i couldn't get what i want...i want it so bad but lord take it away from me n i ask that 1 particular question~why me? why on earth it has to be me? i never done anything  wrongs throughout my life...then again it might have been my mistake...but still i don't deserve that.. i believe i deserve more b'cos my life don't just involve me...there's my family that counted so much on me and for me to break their heart make me think that god didn't have compassion at all...but who am i to judge...?? i believe things will get better but what if it's not-it always been like that...the moment i enjoy a sweet success trouble follow me..they always did~
i cry so much last night... and He knows~~ 

April 13, 2010

my life right now..

i'm living in uncertainty right now..not knowing where i'll be heading in the next few DAYYs...yep!!future will be decided in the next fews day..there's no words to say how scared i am...coz i know if i'm not gaining anything form this, all this struggle that i had to go through for the past 14 years is useless...nobody know it and trust me when i say nobody care about it...i promised myself if i ever get the chance i will not waste it!! NEVER!!! fighting!!

x phm aku...???

c paham ku pa ya maok gi ri ku...gago ja keja..sekejap  polah ati kita senang pasya senang2 ja ya ninggal kita...ish!! geram~ mun nya da explain sik pa la juak tok cda,mun ati nya senang cari nya kita mun ati nya tingat kat owg lain cda nya mok bz psl kita...aku manaz2 towk pun c tau psl apa...pasal nya ka..pasal diri ku pun kat nya...arrrghhh ><""....tau diri ku manaz ngan nya...dcari nya k klak cair juak ati...lyan jua kerenah miak kcik nya ya...adeehh!! c tau ku kdk ney maok handle tah g handle diri ku mpun...nooo!!! help me!!!  huh~~sabar2 we'll just wait n c..mun bna nya main2..fine~i'll play along i just hope it will not make me look or feel like an idiot =( =)  makes me hapie


i'm wondering again yesterday..have to let it out today...if i'm not a human nor i am an animal i would like to a cupid..huh!!then i can set up people =)....yesterday something came up to me..what if i can't be with him who would i want then to replace me..n i can only think of one of my best much as i think she be the perfect 
match,there's still a sense of jealousy...huh!!i can't let her be with him...nooooooo...i have faith in me..i'm sure i can do it.
..right now i can't think about that there's only 2 days left on knowing where my future will heading to..i pray to god that he hear my prayer and fulfill it...amen 

April 12, 2010


    first time i saw him when i was 14 years old..guess where i saw him...nope.. not on the street nor at church or in school,it was on tv...yeah~i know what you're thinking rite happened to a lot of people-have a crush on celebrity or tv personality...but i know it's not...well first let me tell you that i'm a very confident but don't really show how confident i am to others people...i know i will be with him some day i just don't know when it will happen....
    my 1st time doin blog n already talking bout him..hikhik,sory if this blog not as interesting as other..just new mah...haha
  *will tis things work..ermm my 3,4,5,6 o 7th attempt...hiihii ^^